Google Analytics
We have begun the integration to Google Analytics. This will allow you to have a complete view of your social marketing campaign performance. We will combine social marketing metrics such as follower counts, short link clicks, replies and re-tweets with traditional web analytics such as page views and unique visitors.
To begin tracking your Butterfly Publisher campaigns, go to Your Profile under Settings, and enter your Google Analytics account number (UA-xxxxxx-x) where you are prompted for the Google Analytics ID.
New Butterfly Network
We have added a few new network options. In particular, you will notice the ‘Butterfly Network’. This taps into one of the unique and powerful capabilities of Butterfly Publisher: the ability to bring multiple users together into a coordinated messaging platform. Share messages in content libraries, push messages automatically to child accounts, review and approve messages, etc.
The Butterfly Network is your way to communicate directly with all of the Butterfly Publisher accounts connected with you. Use it to send one time notifications or regular prompts that encourage and sustain your social marketing efforts.
Improvement to Picture Upload
We have made some improvements to the way you upload pictures. You can now easily upload pictures directly to your profile. You can store these pictures locally within your Butterfly Publisher account or you can store them within Flickr!