Short Message Marketing Platform 140 or Less

Jeff Mesnik How To

How many times have you been in a conversation thinking “get to the point!” Or, how many times have you been talking when you realize, “WOW it took me a long time to get there.”   I am standing up here (for better or worse, and in as few as words as possible), to say that one of the real …

Drip Marketing YOU and your company

Jeff Mesnik How To

I recently read an interesting article written by Laura Lake about applying a strategy to drip marketing. She provides some thoughts on mediums and methods for developing your own drip campaign. These methods include stand-by’s such as: Postcards Newsletters Promotional or Sales Brochures In support of these ideas, I recall the story of a client at iMakeNews whose drip marketing …

Drip-Drop-Drive …Socialized Drip Marketing

Jeff Mesnik How To

Social Media is the ideal drip marketing solution.  It offers you that limited time and space to make small and growing impacts.  The key to adding it effectively to your marketing mix, is to schedule and deploy a campaign in a timed fashion. (See below for definition of email drip marketing) For example: Newsletters both electronic and print: Drip short …

Star Trek Invented Twitter!

Jeff Mesnik How To

I recently watched the latest Star Trek movie, and as a fan of Star Trek, I truly love how it foretells the future of technology in amazing fashion. Star Trek introduced video conferencing, the diskette (remember those little square things that Spock used to stick into the computer to get information?), the cell phone and blue tooth technologies.  And of …

They’re all talking about you – say something!

Jeff Mesnik How To

Conversations are happening and your competitors are involved.’  They are tweeting, they are blogging, they are using LinkedIn groups, and Facebook pages. Where are you? Are you a part of this conversation or are you sitting in the corner letting others win the game? A blog entry by Andre Yee on ebizQ, makes a fairly good point ( “Marketing used …

Are you a social media guru?

ContentMX How To

I enjoy the word guru…it projects an air of awesomeness, as if you are a Jedi Master. “Yes I have been trained in the ancient art of socializing – trained under Master Web Tu-Point-Oh. ” Well, as I search through some of the “Guru’s” sites I have found some interesting teachings such as this presentation which discusses Twitter and business. …

Is the death of Public Relations on the horizon?

Jeff Mesnik How To

Ironically a company now has a lot more power to try to influence conversations with in their own walls. Considering the amount of employees on the social networks an organization has a built in broadcasting capabilities literally at their fingertips. Treat every employee as a broadcasting syndicate and now you have a team of influencers to work with.

How do your employees socialize your brand?

Jeff Mesnik How To

Below is an interesting article about employees and how they can help support your company and brand through social networks.  With this article I hope to initiate a dialogue about what role, if any, employees should play in socializing your company? The next few blog entries will continue this topic and I look forward to your thoughts. Twitter Facebook …

Radio will make newspapers obsolete

Jeff Mesnik How To

I often enjoy looking to the past for hints of what the future might bring. Recently I asked myself what technology was just as disruptive and game changing as the Internet. I came to the conclusion that the invention of the Radio, was developed with similar objectives in mind. The comparison Who knows whether this may be a fools quest, …